orbital planes tagged posts

The Curious Case of the Warped Kuiper Belt

1. A yet to be discovered, unseen "planetary mass object" makes its existence known by ruffling the orbital plane of distant Kuiper Belt objects, according to research by Kat Volk and Renu Malhotra of the UA's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. The object is pictured on a wide orbit far beyond Pluto in this artist's illustration. (Image: Heather Roper/LPL) 2. A planetary mass object the size of Mars would be sufficient to produce the observed perturbations in the distant Kuiper Belt. Credit: Heather Roper/LPL

1. A yet to be discovered, unseen “planetary mass object” makes its existence known by ruffling the orbital plane of distant Kuiper Belt objects, according to research by Kat Volk and Renu Malhotra of the UA’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. The object is pictured on a wide orbit far beyond Pluto in this artist’s illustration. (Image: Heather Roper/LPL)
2. A planetary mass object the size of Mars would be sufficient to produce the observed perturbations in the distant Kuiper Belt.
Credit: Heather Roper/LPL

An unknown, unseen “planetary mass object” may lurk in the outer reaches of our solar system, according to new research on the orbits of minor planets. This object would be different from – and much closer than – the so-called Planet Nine, a planet whose existence yet awaits confirmation...

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