Organic Semiconductor tagged posts

Bending an Organic Semiconductor can Boost Electrical Flow

Organic transistors based on single crystals of rubrene, a hydrocarbon, can roughly double the speed of electricity flowing through them when a crystal is slightly bent (strained). This useful behavior cannot be easily achieved with traditional semiconductors made, for example, of silicon. Molecules of rubrene are arranged in a herringbone pattern (upper left), forming highly ordered semiconducting molecular crystals that can be used to create rigid (upper right) or flexible (lower left) high-performance organic transistors, based on thick or ultra-thin single crystals, respectively. An example of a freestanding rubrene transistor is shown on a finger tip (lower right).
Image: Vitaly Podzorov/Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Slightly bending semiconductors made of organic materials ca...

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New Class of Materials for Organic Electronics

Charge carriers in polymeric carbon nitrides always take paths perpendicular to the sheets, as Merschjann's group has now shown. Light creates an electron-hole pair. The opposite happens when an electron and hole meet under certain conditions (forming a singlet exciton) and emit light (fluorescence). Credit: C. Merschjann.

Charge carriers in polymeric carbon nitrides always take paths perpendicular to the sheets, as Merschjann’s group has now shown. Light creates an electron-hole pair. The opposite happens when an electron and hole meet under certain conditions (forming a singlet exciton) and emit light (fluorescence). Credit: C. Merschjann.

Polymeric carbon nitride is an organic material with interesting optoelectronic properties. As an inexpensive photocatalyst, it can be used to facilitate water splitting using sunlight. Research has now investigated for the 1st time how light creates charge carriers in this class of materials and established details about charge mobility and lifetimes...

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Scientists have invented a way to view and create ‘an Electron Superhighway’ in an Organic Semiconductor

University of Vermont scientists have invented a new way to create what they are calling an electron superhighway in an organic semiconductor that promises to allow electrons to flow faster and farther -- aiding the hunt for flexible electronics, organic solar cells, and other low-cost alternatives to silicon. To explore these organic materials, UVM graduate students (from left) Naveen Rawat and Lane Manning, and professors Randy Headrick and Madalina Furis, deployed this table-top scanning laser microscope. Their latest finding is reported in the journal Nature Communications -- and may, someday not too far off, let you roll up your computer like a piece of paper. Credit: Joshua Brown, UVM

University of Vermont scientists have invented a new way to create what they are calling an electron superhighway in an organic semiconductor that promises to allow electrons to flow faster and farther — aiding the hunt for flexible electronics, organic solar cells, and other low-cost alternatives to silicon. To explore these organic materials, UVM graduate students (from left) Naveen Rawat and Lane Manning, and professors Randy Headrick and Madalina Furis, deployed this table-top scanning laser microscope. Their latest finding is reported in the journal Nature Communications — and may, someday not too far off, let you roll up your computer like a piece of paper. Credit: Joshua Brown, UVM

This approach promises to allow electrons to flow faster and farther – aiding the hunt for flexible el...

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