origin of life tagged posts

New Recipes for Origin of Life may point way to Distant, Inhabited Planets

In an artist's rendering, a swirl of planets in blue and orange hues spiral toward a bright orange vortex in the center of the image. Chemical formulas appear written on the planets.
Life requires repetition of chemical reactions. Describing the kinds of reactions and conditions required for self-sustaining repetition — called autocatalysis — could focus the search for life on other planets. Betül Kaçar

Life on a faraway planet—if it’s out there—might not look anything like life on Earth. But there are only so many chemical ingredients in the universe’s pantry, and only so many ways to mix them. A team led by scientists at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has exploited those limitations to write a cookbook of hundreds of chemical recipes with the potential to give rise to life.

Their ingredient list could focus the search for life elsewhere in the universe by pointing out the most likely conditions—planetary versions of mixing techniques, oven tem...

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Chaotic Flows and the Origin of Life

Chaotic advection accelerates interfacial transport under hydrothermally relevant conditions Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Chaotic advection accelerates interfacial transport under hydrothermally relevant conditions Credit: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

A Texas A&M University team has uncovered a physical mechanism that may help answer one of the major questions concerning the origin of life, “How did the building blocks form?” Scientists have long known that the building blocks of life – amino acids, nucleobases and sugars – were present in the early ocean, but they were very low in concentration. In order for life to emerge, these building blocks needed to be combined and enriched into long-chain macromolecules.

“In the early ocean, those building blocks were present in the environment,” Ugaz said. “They were there, but they were so dilute; there is a question about how they combined...

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