overweight tagged posts

Having High Cholesterol and Reduced Physical Stamina and being Overweight are Long COVID Sequelae in Young Adults

Having high cholesterol and reduced physical stamina and being overweight are long COVID sequelae in young adults
Test battery used in the Long COVID in Military Organizations study. The test battery was used to evaluate the long-term sequelae of COVID-19 in young adults. A variety of quantitative tests and standardized questionnaires were used to measure the effect on various organ systems and parameters in participants following COVID-19, asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, or in individuals who were non-exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Anti-N=anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid. Anti-S=anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike. BDI-13=Beck Depression Inventory (13 items). CFQ-11=Chalder Fatigue Scale. eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate. FeNO=fractional exhaled nitric oxide. FSH=follicle stimulating hormone. HbA1c=glycated hemoglobin. IES-R=Impact of Event Scale-Revised. LH=luteinising hormone...
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Pizza, burgers and the like: A Single High-Fat meal can Damage Metabolism

This image shows the impact of saturated fatty acids on the liver, muscles and fatty tissue. Credit: © DDZ

This image shows the impact of saturated fatty acids on the liver, muscles and fatty tissue. Credit: © DDZ

The global proliferation of overweight and obese people and people with type 2 diabetes is often associated with the consumption of saturated fats. Scientists at the German Diabetes Center and the Helmholtz Center in Munich (HMGU) have found that even the one-off consumption of a greater amount of palm oil reduces the body’s sensitivity to insulin and causes increased fat deposits as well as changes in the energy metabolism of the liver. The results of the study provide information on the earliest changes in the metabolism of the liver that in the long term lead to fatty liver disease in overweight persons as well as in those with type 2 diabetes.

DZD researchers working at the Germa...

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Weight and Diet may help predict Sleep Quality

Overweight adults spend more of their sleep in REM stage than healthy weight adults do. An individual’s body composition and caloric intake can influence time spent in specific sleep stages, according to results of a new study from Perelman School of Med at PennU that will be presented at SLEEP 2016, 30th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC.

In the study, 36 healthy adults experienced 2 consecutive nights of 10 hrs in bed per night at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.Polysomnography was recorded on the second night. Body composition and resting energy expenditure were assessed on the morning following the first night of sleep. Food/drink intake was measured each day.

The Penn team found that BMI, body fat percentage and resting energy expenditur...

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