oxygen18(18O) tagged posts

Painless, Quick and Reliable method for Diagnosing Helicobacter from Exhaled Air

VTT releases a painless, quick and reliable method for diagnosing Helicobacter from exhaled air. Credit: Image courtesy of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)

VTT releases a painless, quick and reliable method for diagnosing Helicobacter from exhaled air. Credit: Image courtesy of Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)

In the future, several illnesses can be quickly and painlessly diagnosed by the optical analysis of isotopes contained in exhaled air. VTT developed its first prototype for this purpose. With the device, it is possible to determine painlessly and with absolute certainty during the appointment whether the patient’s stomach troubles are caused by Helicobacter. The certainty of the device is based on its ability to measure not only carbon13(13C) but also oxygen18(18O) in exhaled air.

The invention is based on a technology developed by VTT’s MIKES Metrology, optical absorption spectroscopy in a multipass chamber with the sample vo...

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