P7C3 compound tagged posts

Saving Brain Cells from Stroke

A blood clot forming in the carotid artery. Credit: copyright American Heart Association

A blood clot forming in the carotid artery. Credit: copyright American Heart Association

P7C3 compound protects mature and newborn neurons in rats, and also improves physical and cognitive outcomes, following stroke. Researchers from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have shown a neuroprotective compound tested in rats provides two-pronged protection for brain cells during stroke and improves physical and cognitive outcomes in the treated animals.

Every year, nearly 800,000 Americans have a stroke and almost 130,000 die. When a stroke interrupts the brain’s blood supply, neurons die. In addition, reestablishing blood flow, ie reperfusion, also leads to processes that cause cell death...

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