pairs of entangled photon tagged posts

Light from Ancient Quasars helps confirm Quantum Entanglement

This artist’s impression of one of the most distant, oldest, brightest quasars ever seen is hidden behind dust. The quasar dates back to less than one billion years after the big bang.
Credit: NASA/ESA/G.Bacon, STScI

Results are among the strongest evidence yet for ‘spooky action at a distance’. New research boosts the case for quantum entanglement. Scientists have used distant quasars, one of which emitted its light 7.8 billion years ago and the other 12.2 billion years ago, to determine the measurements to be made on pairs of entangled photons. They found correlations among more than 30,000 pairs of photons – far exceeding the limit for a classically based mechanism.

Take, for instance, two particles sitting on opposite edges of the universe...

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