palmitate tagged posts

Cancer Spread is increased by a High Fat Diet, ground-breaking evidence shows

 Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36

Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36

A specific protein, CD36 found in the cell membranes of tumour cells, is responsible for taking up fatty acids. This unique CD36 activity and dependence on fatty acids distinguishes metastasis-initiating cells from other tumour cells. The work was published today in the journal Nature. Professor Benitah’s team found CD36 was present on metastatic cancer cells from patients with a range of different tumours including oral tumours, melanoma skin cancer, ovarian, bladder, lung and breast cancer. To confirm its essential role in cancer spread, they added CD36 to non-metastatic cancer cells which then caused the cells to become metastatic.

“Although we have not yet tested this in all tumour types, we can state that CD36 ...

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Saturated Fats ‘Jet Lag’ Body Clocks, Triggering Metabolic disorders, study shows

best time to eat fatty foods

Chronic, low-grade inflammation caused by high fat diets contributes to obesity and type 2 diabetes and other inflammation-related disorders like cardiovascular disease, stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. Prof David Earnest, Ph.D. and his team have shown that consumption of saturated fats at certain times may “jet lag” internal clocks, as well as the resulting inflammation.

Earnest’s previous work suggested that a high-fat diet alters how our body clocks keep time, particularly in immune cells that mediate inflammation. Earlier findings show that a high fat diet slows down the clocks in immune cells such that they no longer “tell” accurate time. Now, he and his team, including Robert S. Chapkin, Ph.D...

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