palmitic acid tagged posts

Dietary Fat may impact Severity and Duration of Autoimmune Flare-ups

PA Ameliorates CNS Autoimmunity via Induction of Treg Cells in the Small Intestine

PA Ameliorates CNS Autoimmunity via Induction of Treg Cells in the Small Intestine

Adjusting length of fatty acids consumed by mice altered the function of T helper cells in the gut – either intensifying or alleviating symptoms in an animal model of the autoimmune disease (i.e., multiple sclerosis).

A team compared in mice the effects of short-chain fatty acids, which are solely metabolized by gut bacteria and are typically found in fiber-rich diets, with the effects of long-chain fatty acids, the most abundant component of western diets. They found that long-chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid and palmitic acid, promoted the development and release of proinflammatory T cells from the intestinal wall to other areas in the body, including the brain...

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Specific Fatty Acids may Worsen Crohn’s Disease

A new software tool allows scientists to link different human diseases and traits through the genetic variations they share. Credit: Liuyang Wang, Dennis Ko lab

A new software tool allows scientists to link different human diseases and traits through the genetic variations they share. Credit: Liuyang Wang, Dennis Ko lab

A new study hints we should be paying attention to omega-6, omega-7 for improving/ worsening Crohn’s. Some research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids can relieve inflammation. Research has suggested high-fat diets may be linked with Crohn’s disease, but never have the 2 been joined through shared genetics. Certain subtle genetic variations — as small as a single-letter change in the DNA — seem to occur more often in people with Crohn’s disease. Separate lines of work show that specific genetic variations are linked to higher levels of some fatty acids (molecular building blocks of fat) in the bloodstream.

In the new study, res...

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