pancreatitis tagged posts

The Protein that Keeps the Pancreas from Digesting itself

Left: Acinar cells (red) in a healthy pancreas. Right: Extensive pancreatic scarring (purple) when ERR gamma is lost from acinar cells.
Click here for a high-resolution image.
Credit: Salk Institute

Potential new therapeutic target for pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Now, Salk scientists report in the journal Gastroenterology on April 21, 2022, that a protein known as estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERR ɣ) is critical for preventing pancreatic auto-digestion in mice. Moreover, they discovered that people with pancreatitis have lower levels of ERR ɣ in cells affected by this inflammation.

These findings suggest that new therapies aimed at regulating ERR ɣ activity could help prevent or treat pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

“Our finding provides new insight into both the ...

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Genes that Control Smooth Muscle Contraction identified

MLCK and RLC phosphorylation are required for the basal tone in IAS.

MLCK and RLC phosphorylation are required for the basal tone in IAS.

A new molecular pathway critical for maintaining the smooth muscle tone that allows the passage of materials through the digestive system. This finding, based on studying calcium ion-controlled pathways in mice, may lead to new treatments for a host of digestive disorders ranging from common gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), to swallowing disorders, incontinence and pancreatitis.

A/Prof Ronghua ZhuGe, PhD said:. “Knowing how these muscles stay contracted for such long periods of time will allow us to develop potential new treatments for these diseases. The next step is to see whether this molecular mechanism in mice also operates in humans...

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