paralyzed hand tagged posts

Mind-Controlled Device helps Stroke Patients Retrain Brains to move Paralyzed Hands

Medical resident Jarod Roland, MD, tries out a device that detects electrical activity in his brain and causes his hand to open and close in response to brain signals. A new study shows that this device can help chronic stroke patients recover some control over their paralyzed limbs. Credit: Leuthardt lab

Medical resident Jarod Roland, MD, tries out a device that detects electrical activity in his brain and causes his hand to open and close in response to brain signals. A new study shows that this device can help chronic stroke patients recover some control over their paralyzed limbs. Credit: Leuthardt lab

Device reads brain signals, converts them into motion. Stroke patients who learned to use their minds to open and close a device fitted over their paralyzed hands gained some control over their hands, according to a new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis...

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