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NASA Scientists demonstrate Technique to Improve Particle Warnings that Protect Astronauts

Scientists from NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research have shown that data from a ground-based instrument called K-Cor can give scientists early warning of a certain type of incoming space weather that can impact astronauts. This composite image shows a coronal mass ejection, a type of space weather linked to solar energetic particles, as seen from two space-based solar observatories and one ground-based instrument. The image in gold is from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, the image in blue is from the Manua Loa Solar Observatory's K-Cor coronagraph, and the image in red is from ESA and NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO/SDO/Joy Ng and MLSO/K-Cor

Scientists from NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research have shown that data from a ground-based instrument called K-Cor can give scientists early warning of a certain type of incoming space weather that can impact astronauts. This composite image shows a coronal mass ejection, a type of space weather linked to solar energetic particles, as seen from two space-based solar observatories and one ground-based instrument. The image in gold is from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, the image in blue is from the Manua Loa Solar Observatory’s K-Cor coronagraph, and the image in red is from ESA and NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.
Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO/SDO/Joy Ng and MLSO/K-Cor

Scientists have proven that the warning signs of one type of space weather event can be detected ...

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