patera formation tagged posts

Squeezing out Mountains, Mathematically, on Jupiter’s moon Io

A thrust fault rips to the surface of a numerical Io. As it breaches the surface, it pulls on the overhanging crustal block (to the left of the fault), and 'extensional' features such as trenches called graben form there. The fault also provides a conduit for rising magma and collapsing magma chambers form 'patera', or depressions on the surface. The stair-stepping is an artifact; the simulation divides the crust into small elements so that simpler (solvable) functions can be used to describe the rock mechanics. Credit: Bland and McKinnon

A thrust fault rips to the surface of a numerical Io. As it breaches the surface, it pulls on the overhanging crustal block (to the left of the fault), and ‘extensional’ features such as trenches called graben form there. The fault also provides a conduit for rising magma and collapsing magma chambers form ‘patera’, or depressions on the surface. The stair-stepping is an artifact; the simulation divides the crust into small elements so that simpler (solvable) functions can be used to describe the rock mechanics. Credit: Bland and McKinnon

Novel mountain-building mechanism on Io may also have operated on early Earth By Diana Lutz May 17, 2016. Mountains aren’t the first thing that hit you when you look at images of Jupiter’s innermost moon, Io...

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