pep and 8B neutrinos tagged posts

Crater from Asteroid that Killed the Dinosaurs reveals how Broken Rocks can Flow like Liquid

A mile-long sediment core drilled by the International Ocean Discovery Program helped researchers uncover how the Chicxulub crater formed.
Credit: International Ocean Discovery Program

Extremely strong vibration during large impacts, landslides and earthquakes allow rock to flow. About 99% of the Sun’s energy emitted as neutrinos is produced through nuclear reaction sequences initiated by proton-proton (pp) fusion in which hydrogen is converted into helium, say scientists including physicist Andrea Pocar at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Today they report new results from Borexino, one of the most sensitive neutrino detectors on the planet, located deep beneath Italy’s Apennine Mountains.

“Neutrinos emitted by this chain represent a unique tool for solar and neutrino physics,” the...

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