per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances tagged posts

Farewell to ‘forever’: Destroying PFAS by Grinding it up with a new Additive

Abstract Image
Solvent-Free Nonthermal Destruction of PFAS Chemicals and PFAS in Sediment by Piezoelectric Ball Milling

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are potentially harmful substances known as “forever chemicals” because they are so difficult to destroy. One emerging technique to degrade PFAS involves forcefully grinding them with metal balls in a moving container, but this technique can require corrosive additives. Now, in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, researchers report a new type of additive for “ball milling” that completely breaks down PFAS at ambient temperature and pressure.

Solid PFAS contamination is an ongoing issue for soil near waste sites, manufacturing sites, and facilities that frequently use firefighting foam. Currently, the U.S...

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