perovskite tagged posts

Key Advance for Printing Circuitry on Wearable Fabrics

Perovskite crystal structure
Image:e Perovskite crystal structure

Electronic shirts that keep the wearer comfortably warm or cool, as well as medical fabrics that deliver drugs, monitor the condition of a wound and perform other tasks, may one day be manufactured more efficiently thanks to a key advance by Oregon State University researchers.

The breakthrough involves inkjet printing and materials with a crystal structure discovered nearly two centuries ago. The upshot is the ability to apply circuitry, with precision and at low processing temperatures, directly onto cloth — a promising potential solution to the longstanding tradeoff between performance and fabrication costs.

“Much effort has gone into integrating sensors, displays, power sources and logic circuits into various fabrics for the creation of we...

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Laser Evaporation technology to create new Solar materials

This is a closer look at the target of frozen solution that contains the building blocks for the solar cell material. Credit: E. Tomas Barraza

This is a closer look at the target of frozen solution that contains the building blocks for the solar cell material. Credit: E. Tomas Barraza

Delicate hybrid organic-inorganic crystals open new possibilities for light-based technologies. Materials scientists at Duke University have developed a method to create hybrid thin-film materials that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to make. The technique could be the gateway to new generations of solar cells, LEDs and photodetectors.

Perovskites are a class of materials that – with the right combination of elements – have a crystalline structure that makes them particularly well-suited for light-based applications...

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Guanidinium stabilizes Perovskite Solar Cells at 19% Efficienc

Stability test of the novel MA(1-x)GuaxPbI3 perovskite material under continuous light illumination compared with the state-of-the-art MAPbI3. A schematic of the device architecture and the simulated crystalline structure is also provided. Credit: M.K. Nazeeruddin/EPFL

Stability test of the novel MA(1-x)GuaxPbI3 perovskite material under continuous light illumination compared with the state-of-the-art MAPbI3. A schematic of the device architecture and the simulated crystalline structure is also provided.
Credit: M.K. Nazeeruddin/EPFL

Incorporating guanidinium into perovskite solar cells stabilizes their efficiency at 19% for 1,000 hours under full-sunlight testing conditions. With the power-conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells plateauing around 25%, perovskites are now ideally placed to become the market’s next generation of photovoltaics...

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Insect Eyes Inspire new Solar cell design

Scaffolds in a compound solar cell filled with perovskite after fracture testing. Credit: Dauskardt Lab/Stanford University

Scaffolds in a compound solar cell filled with perovskite after fracture testing. Credit: Dauskardt Lab/Stanford University

Packing tiny solar cells together, like micro-lenses in the compound eye of an insect, could pave the way to a new generation of advanced photovoltaics. In a new study, the Stanford team used the insect-inspired design to protect a fragile photovoltaic material, perovskite from deteriorating when exposed to heat, moisture or mechanical stress. The results are published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science (E&ES).

“Perovskites are promising, low-cost materials that convert sunlight to electricity as efficiently as conventional solar cells made of silicon,” said Reinhold Dauskardt, a professor of materials science and engineering and senior author of the study...

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