phosphor tagged posts

Computers aid discovery of new, inexpensive material to make LEDs with high color quality

Under UV light, the SLAO phosphor emits either green-yellow or blue light depending on the chemical activator mixed in. Credit: David Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

Under UV light, the SLAO phosphor emits either green-yellow or blue light depending on the chemical activator mixed in. Credit: David Baillot/UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering

A team led by engineers at the University of California San Diego has used data mining and computational tools to discover a new phosphor material for white LEDs that is inexpensive and easy to make. Researchers built prototype white LED light bulbs using the new phosphor. The prototypes exhibited better color quality than many commercial LEDs currently on the market.

Phosphors, which are substances that emit light, are one of the key ingredients to make white LEDs. They are crystalline powders that absorb energy from blue or near-UV light and emit light in the visible spectrum...

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Next-Gen Fluorescent, LED lighting thanks to new Phosphor?

Topology of the zeolite frameworks and Auger spectra of their silver clusters.

Topology of the zeolite frameworks and Auger spectra of their silver clusters.

Researchers have discovered a new phosphor that could make next-generation fluorescent and LED lighting even cheaper and more efficient. The team used highly luminescent clusters of silver atoms and the porous framework of minerals known as zeolites. Silver clusters consist of just a few silver atoms and have remarkable optical properties. However, current applications are limited, because the clusters tend to aggregate into larger particles, thus losing the interesting optical properties.

Phosphor is the luminescent material critical to many lighting applications, especially LEDs. Most white LEDs are in fact blue LEDs with a phosphor coating.

Phosphor is the luminescent material critical to many lighting applications, especially LEDs. Most white LEDs are in fact blue LEDs with a phosphor coating.

Prof Hofkens and his team have now found a way to keep the silver clu...

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