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Research leads to a Golden Discovery for Wearable Technology

An example of a gold foil peeled from single crystal silicon. Credit: Reprinted with permission from Naveen Mahenderkar et al., Science [355]:[1203] (2017)

An example of a gold foil peeled from single crystal silicon.
Credit: Reprinted with permission from Naveen Mahenderkar et al., Science [355]:[1203] (2017)

Some day, your smartphone might completely conform to your wrist, and when it does, it might be covered in pure gold, thanks to researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology. They have developed a way to “grow” thin layers of gold on single crystal wafers of silicon, remove the gold foils, and use them as substrates on which to grow other electronic materials. This could revolutionize wearable or “flexible” technology research, greatly improving versatility of electronics in the future.

Most research into wearable technology has been done using polymer substrates, or substrates made up of multiple crystals...

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