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Composition of Earth-size planets in TRAPPIST-1 system

1. The lighter green indicates optimistic regions of the habitable zone and the darker green denotes more conservative limits. Credit: University of Oklahoma 2. This artist’s impression displays TRAPPIST-1 and its planets reflected in a surface. Image credit: NASA / R. Hurt / T. Pyle. 3. The TRAPPIST-1 system contains a total of seven Earth-size planets. Three of them — TRAPPIST-1e, f and g — dwell in their star’s so-called ‘habitable zone.’ Image credit: NASA

1. The lighter green indicates optimistic regions of the habitable zone and the darker green denotes more conservative limits.
Credit: University of Oklahoma
2. This artist’s impression displays TRAPPIST-1 and its planets reflected in a surface. Image credit: NASA / R. Hurt / T. Pyle.
3. The TRAPPIST-1 system contains a total of seven Earth-size planets. Three of them — TRAPPIST-1e, f and g — dwell in their star’s so-called ‘habitable zone.’ Image credit: NASA

A University of Oklahoma post-doctoral astrophysics researcher, Billy Quarles, has identified the possible compositions of the 7 planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system...

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