Photon-Counting Camera tagged posts

New Photon-Counting Camera captures 3D Images with record Speed and Resolution

Researchers have developed the first megapixel photon-counting camera based on single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) image sensors. The new camera can capture images in faint light at unprecedented speeds.
Credit: Arianna M. Charbon, Kazuhiro Morimoto, Edoardo Charbon

Researchers have developed the first megapixel photon-counting camera based on new-generation image sensor technology that uses single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). The new camera can detect single photons of light at unprecedented speeds, a capability that could advance applications that require fast acquisition of 3D images such as augmented reality and LiDAR systems for autonomous vehicles.

“Thanks to its high resolution and ability to measure depth, this new camera could make virtual reality more realistic and let...

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