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Advance in Photodynamic Therapy offers new Approach to Ovarian Cancer

Intraoperative ovarian cancer treatment based on the combinatorial effect of a targeted photodynamic therapy (PDT) associated with suppression of the DJ-1 protein, one of the key players in the ROS defense of cancer cells. Ovarian cancer tumors exposed to a single dose of combinatorial therapy were completely eradicated from the mice and the treated animals showed no evidence of cancer recurrence.

Intraoperative ovarian cancer treatment based on the combinatorial effect of a targeted photodynamic therapy (PDT) associated with suppression of the DJ-1 protein, one of the key players in the ROS defense of cancer cells. Ovarian cancer tumors exposed to a single dose of combinatorial therapy were completely eradicated from the mice and the treated animals showed no evidence of cancer recurrence.

A combination of techniques by Oregon State University researchers achieved complete cancer cell elimination with no regrowth of tumors. It may offer a novel mechanism to address this aggressive and often fatal cancer that kills 14,000 women in the US each year. Ovarian cancer has a high mortality rate because it often has metastasized into the abdominal cavity before it’s discovered...

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