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Recycling Light

A nanophotonic incandescent light bulb demonstrates the ability to tailor light radiated by a hot object. Credit: Ognjen Ilic

A nanophotonic incandescent light bulb demonstrates the ability to tailor light radiated by a hot object. Credit: Ognjen Ilic

How photonics can reshape the spectrum of light, and rehabilitate Edison’s light bulb along the way. The incandescent bulb is an example of a high temperature thermal emitter. It is very useful, but only a small fraction of the emitted light (and therefore energy) is used: most of the light is emitted in the infrared and in this context wasted. Now, MIT researchers describes another way to recycle light emitted at unwanted infrared wavelengths while optimizing the emission at useful visible wavelengths.

While as a proof-of-concept the research group built a more energy-efficient incandescent light bulb, the same approach could also be used to improve the performance...

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