plasma physics tagged posts

Bubbling, frothing and sloshing: Long-Hypothesized Plasma Instabilities Finally Observed

Plasma jets illustration
An artist’s representation of plasma interacting with magnetic fields. (Image credit: Kyle Palmer / PPPL Communications Department)

Results could aid understanding of how black holes produce vast intergalactic jets. Scientists have observed new details of how plasma interacts with magnetic fields, potentially providing insight into the formation of enormous plasma jets that stretch between the stars.

Whether between galaxies or within doughnut-shaped fusion devices known as tokamaks, the electrically charged fourth state of matter known as plasma regularly encounters powerful magnetic fields, changing shape and sloshing in space...

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Using Artificial Intelligence to Speed up and Improve the most Computationally-Intensive aspects of Plasma Physics in Fusion

Illustration combining the ideas of artificial intelligence and fusion(Illustration credit: Kyle Palmer / PPPL Communications Department)

Researchers look to machine learning to optimize the design and control of stellarators and tokamaks. Researchers are using artificial intelligence to perfect the design of the vessels surrounding the super-hot plasma, optimize heating methods and maintain stable control of the reaction for increasingly long periods. A new article explains how a researcher team used machine learning to avoid magnetic perturbations, or disruptions, which destabilize fusion plasma.

The intricate dance of atoms fusing and releasing energy has fascinated scientists for decades. Now, human ingenuity and artificial intelligence are coming together at the U.S...

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