plasmonics tagged posts

Novel Solar absorber to improve Efficiency of Concentrating Solar Power technology

Masdar Institute postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Jin You Lu, characterizes the nanoporous solar absorber with UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Credit: Tahra Al Hammadi, Masdar Institute News

Masdar Institute postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Jin You Lu, characterizes the nanoporous solar absorber with UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Credit: Tahra Al Hammadi, Masdar Institute News

“Our research team has developed a simple and cost-effective fabrication technique to create solar absorbers that can harness a greater share of the solar spectrum, thus increasing their efficiencies, while also maintaining low emission levels,” said Masdar Institute’s Dr. TieJun Zhang, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.

Dr. Nicholas X...

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