platinum nanoparticles tagged posts

Reduced Power Consumption in Semiconductor Devices

A research team reduces power consumption by half in semiconductor devices by embedding platinum nanoparticles. The new technology extends memory by one million times and is applicable in next-generation low power devices.

Stepping stones are placed to help travelers to cross streams. As long as there are stepping stones that connect the both sides of the water, one can easily get across with just a few steps. Using the same principal, a research team at POSTECH has developed technology that cuts the power consumption in semiconductor devices in half by placing stepping stones.

A research team led by Professor Junwoo Son and Dr...

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3D-printed Microfish do muich more than Swim

3-D-printed microfish contain functional nanoparticles that enable them to be self-propelled, chemically powered and magnetically steered. The microfish are also capable of removing and sensing toxins. Credit: J. Warner, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

3-D-printed microfish contain functional nanoparticles that enable them to be self-propelled, chemically powered and magnetically steered. The microfish are also capable of removing and sensing toxins. Credit: J. Warner, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

These microrobots are powered by H2O2 and magnetically controlled. They will inspire a new generation of ‘smart’ microrobots that have diverse capabilities such as detoxification, sensing and directed drug delivery, the nanoengineers of University of California, SD said.

The technique used to fabricate the microfish provides many improvements over other methods with locomotion mechanisms, eg microjet engines, microdrillers and microrockets...

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