pluripotent stem cells tagged posts

Mutation-free lines of Stem cells from Mitochondrial diseases created

Salk researchers have generated disease-free stem cells from patients with mitochondrial disease that can be converted into any cell type including neuronal progenitors (left) or heart cells (right). These could potentially be used for future transplantation into patients. Credit: Salk Institute

Salk researchers have generated disease-free stem cells from patients with mitochondrial disease that can be converted into any cell type including neuronal progenitors (left) or heart cells (right). These could potentially be used for future transplantation into patients.
Credit: Salk Institute

Healthy stem cells differentiate into any cell type for potential cures including brain, muscle, eye and heart cells which would improve the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world with debilitating mitochondrial diseases. “Right now, there are no cures for mitochondrial diseases,” says Prof Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte from Salk’s Gene Expression Lab. “Very recently, we’ve developed ways to prevent these diseases, so it was natural to next ask how we could treat them.”


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