polyamide powders to print 3D objects tagged posts

Fast, Cheap and Colorful 3D Printing

This brightly colored dragon was produced by 3D printing, using gold nanorods as photosensitizers. Credit: American Chemical Society

This brightly colored dragon was produced by 3D printing, using gold nanorods as photosensitizers.
Credit: American Chemical Society

People are exploring the use of 3D printing for wide-ranging applications, including manufacturing, medical devices, fashion and even food. But one of the most efficient forms of 3D printing suffers from a major drawback: It can only print objects that are gray or black in color. Now, researchers have tweaked the method so it can print in all of the colors of the rainbow. They report their results in the ACS journal Nano Letters.

Selective laser sintering (SLS) printers use a laser to heat specific regions of a powdered material, typically nylon or polyamide, so that the powder melts or sinters to form a solid mass...

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