powerless cooling technology tagged posts

Researchers develop Next-Generation Cooling Material to Increase Summer Cooling Efficiency Without Electricity

Radiation-cooling liquid crystal materials, a partner to the king of summer, air conditioning
(Left) Schematic depicting the molecular arrangement and light-matter interaction in the cooling material: a photonic crystal based on spiral liquid crystals. (Right) Actual photographs of the materials in a variety of colors. Full-domain color is achieved by controlling the amount of additives (i.e., chiral dopants). Credit: Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Dr. Jin Gu, Kang and his team at the Nanophotonics Research Center at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have developed a colorful radiation-cooling liquid crystal material that can cool without external power while simultaneously emitting color. The work is published in the Chemical Engineering Journal.

Radiative cooling is a powerless cooling technology that releases infrared radiation as heat throug...

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