prebiotic tagged posts

‘Bouncing’ Comets could deliver Building Blocks for Life to Exoplanets

Artist's impression of a meteor hitting Earth

How did the molecular building blocks for life end up on Earth? One long-standing theory is that they could have been delivered by comets. Now, researchers from the University of Cambridge have shown how comets could deposit similar building blocks to other planets in the galaxy.

In order to deliver organic material, comets need to be travelling relatively slowly – at speeds below 15 kilometres per second. At higher speeds, the essential molecules would not survive – the speed and temperature of impact would cause them to break apart.

The most likely place where comets can travel at the right speed are ‘peas in a pod’ systems, where a group of planets orbit closely together...

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Soluble Corn Fiber can help young women Build Bone, and older women preserve bone

Soluble corn fiber (SCF) may not only boost fiber intake when added to foods, but also increase the amount of beneficial bacteria present in the gut while enhancing calcium absorption, retention and bone building

Supplementing with soluble corn fiber at 2 critical times in a woman’s life – adolescence and post-menopause – can help build and retain calcium in bone, according to new research from Purdue University. “We are looking deeper in the gut to build healthy bone in girls and help older women retain strong bones during an age when they are susceptible to fractures,” said Connie Weaver, distinguished professor and head of nutrition science. “Soluble corn fiber, a prebiotic, helps the body better utilize calcium during both adolescence and post-menopause...

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