precision placement of DNA origami tagged posts

DNA Origami lights up a Microscopic Glowing Van Gogh

This reproduction of The Starry Night contains 65,536 glowing pixels and is just the width of a dime across. Credit: Paul Rothemund and Ashwin Gopinath/Caltech

This reproduction of The Starry Night contains 65,536 glowing pixels and is just the width of a dime across. Credit: Paul Rothemund and Ashwin Gopinath/Caltech

A hurdle for large-scale integration of molecular devices on chips has been removed by a technique that allows humanmade DNA shapes to be placed wherever desired, to within a margin of error of just 20nm. Using folded DNA to precisely place glowing molecules within microscopic light resonators, researchers at Caltech have created one of the world’s smallest reproductions of Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night...

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