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Origami Ninja Star inspires new Battery that runs on a few drops of Dirty Water

A new disposable battery that folds like an origami ninja star could power biosensors and other small devices for use in challenging field conditions. Credit: Jonathan Cohen/Binghamton University

A new disposable battery that folds like an origami ninja star could power biosensors and other small devices for use in challenging field conditions. Credit: Jonathan Cohen/Binghamton University

A new disposable battery that folds like an origami ninja star could power biosensors and other small devices for use in challenging field conditions. Seokheun “Sean” Choi, assistant professor of computer and electrical engineering at Binghamton University, along with 2 of his students, developed the device, a microbial fuel cell that runs on the bacteria available in a few drops of dirty water.

Choi previously developed a paper-based origami battery. The first design, shaped like a matchbook, stacked 4 modules together. The ninja star version, which measures about 2...

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