prevention of brain cancer tagged posts

Olive Oil nutrient linked to processes that prevent Cancer in Brain

Highlights • OA inhibits the binding of proteins containing RRM. • OA rescues processing of pri-miR-7 in vitro. • OA induces mature miR-7 production in HeLa cells.

•OA inhibits the binding of proteins containing RRM.
•OA rescues processing of pri-miR-7 in vitro.
•OA induces mature miR-7 production in HeLa cells.

A compound found in olive oil may help to prevent cancer developing in the brain, a study shows. Research into oleic acid – the primary ingredient in olive oil – has shown how it can help prevent cancer-causing genes from functioning in cells. The oily substance – a fatty acids – stimulates the production of a cell molecule whose function is to prevent cancer-causing proteins from forming.

The study team says it is too soon to say whether dietary consumption of olive oil may help prevent brain cancer. Their findings, however, point towards possible therapies based on the oil to prevent brain cancer from occurring...

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