Probiotic Bifidobacteria tagged posts

How Probiotic Bifidobacteria could help Celiac Disease patients

Researchers are exploring how probiotic Bifidobacteria could help those suffering from celiac disease.

Gluten is enemy No. 1 for those with celiac disease, and it’s hard to avoid. Episodes of this chronic autoimmune illness can be triggered by ingesting gluten, a key protein in wheat and some other grains. Researchers have been exploring how gut bacteria, especially Bifidobacteria, could be used as a treatment. Now, scientists publishing the results of laboratory experiments in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry report how specific types of Bifidobacteria work.

Humans have many types of bacteria living in their digestive systems, but those with celiac disease have altered levels of “beneficial” and “harmful” gut bacteria...

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