Protect against Viruses tagged posts

Stem Cells can use Same Method as Plants and Insects to Protect against Viruses

 Microscopy image of a brain organoid infected with SARS-CoV-2.
Microscopy image of a brain organoid infected with SARS-CoV-2. Cell nuclei are in blue, neural stem cells in green and infected cells in magenta. 

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have found a vital mechanism, previously thought to have disappeared as mammals evolved, that helps protect mammalian stem cells from RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and Zika virus. The scientists suggest this could one day be exploited in the development of new antiviral treatments.

On infecting a host, a virus enters cells in order to replicate. For most cells in mammals the first line of protection are proteins, called interferons. Stem cells, however, lack the ability to trigger an interferon response and there has been uncertainty about how they protect themselves.

In their study, publishe...

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