protein tagged posts

Research Discovery may Help Diagnose and Treat Cancer and Brain Disorders

Cancer diagnosis pathways image

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast discovered how the journey or molecular pathway of an identified protein is both essential for brain development and how an alteration to its pathway could result in the spread of cancer.

The study, published today in Nature Cell Biology, has revealed the molecular mechanisms of a timely and spatially controlled movement of cells that is essential for the migration of newborn neurons during brain development and can also cause the spread of cancer, or cancer metastasis throughout the body.

It is expected this discovery will have a huge impact on the fundamental understanding of cancer metastasis and brain development and could lead to earlier diagnosis and better treatments, the research authors said.

During brain development, neural ...

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Weight and Diet may help predict Sleep Quality

Overweight adults spend more of their sleep in REM stage than healthy weight adults do. An individual’s body composition and caloric intake can influence time spent in specific sleep stages, according to results of a new study from Perelman School of Med at PennU that will be presented at SLEEP 2016, 30th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC.

In the study, 36 healthy adults experienced 2 consecutive nights of 10 hrs in bed per night at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.Polysomnography was recorded on the second night. Body composition and resting energy expenditure were assessed on the morning following the first night of sleep. Food/drink intake was measured each day.

The Penn team found that BMI, body fat percentage and resting energy expenditur...

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Schematic and characterization of tri-agonist compound, Indole_Lox_CpG. (a) Chemical structure of covalently conjugated tri-agonist compound (Indole_Lox_CpG) (left). Diagram illustrating how each TLR agonist (pyrimido-indole, loxoribine, or CpG-ODN) and the corresponding combinations (Indole_Lox, Lox_CpG, or Indole_CpG) contributed to innate immune activation (right). (b) Confirmation of synthesized Indole_Lox_CpG via MALDI-TOF. (c) Analysis of Indole_Lox_CpG via gel electrophoresis: CpG-ODN1826 reference (lane 1) and Indole_Lox_CpG reaction mixture (lane 2). Tri-agonist was extracted from the gel and isolated as purified Indole_Lox_CpG.

Schematic and characterization of tri-agonist compound, Indole_Lox_CpG. (a) Chemical structure of covalently conjugated tri-agonist compound (Indole_Lox_CpG) (left). Diagram illustrating how each TLR agonist (pyrimido-indole, loxoribine, or CpG-ODN) and the corresponding combinations (Indole_Lox, Lox_CpG, or Indole_CpG) contributed to innate immune activation (right). (b) Confirmation of synthesized Indole_Lox_CpG via MALDI-TOF. (c) Analysis of Indole_Lox_CpG via gel electrophoresis: CpG-ODN1826 reference (lane 1) and Indole_Lox_CpG reaction mixture (lane 2). Tri-agonist was extracted from the gel and isolated as purified Indole_Lox_CpG.

Some vaccines, like the flu shot, contain a dead or weakened version of the disease-causing pathogen...

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