Protein Pathway Stimulation tagged posts

Sonic Hedgehog Protein Pathway Stimulation could help Parkinson’s Patients

A new study from Malave et al. suggests that in the brains of L-Dopa-treated Parkinson’s patients the lack of Shh signaling to cholinergic neurons results in L-Dopa induced dyskinesia. Image credit: Santiago Uribe-Cano

Levodopa, or L-dopa, is considered the most effective treatment for Parkinson’s disease today. After a few years of treatment, however, almost all patients develop a debilitating side-effect called L-dopa induced dyskinesia, or LID, which causes involuntary movements in the limbs, face, and torso. Deep brain stimulation can alleviate LID, but the procedure is highly invasive and not all patients are eligible.

Now, a new study led by researchers at the Graduate Center, CUNY and the CUNY School of Medicine shows that drugs that increased signaling by a protein called ...

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