Protoplanetary Disk tagged posts

Numerical Simulations of Planetesimal Formation Reproduce Key Properties of Asteroids, Comets

Numerical simulations of planetesimal formation reproduce key properties of asteroids, comets
Comparison between the predictions by Polak and Klahr for the mass distribution of asteroids (red circles), compared with observations (white circles). The horizontal axis shows the size of the asteroids in question, and the vertical axis shows the fraction of the total mass of the pebble cloud that ends up in asteroids larger or equal to the chosen size value. If the total mass were to end up in a single asteroid, that asteroid would have been 152 km in diameter. Both in the prediction and according to the observations, 84% of the total asteroid mass ends up in objects between 90 km and 152 km in diameter. Overall, the primordial asteroids follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution (blue line) in mass with a most likely size of 125 km...
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Earth Isn’t ‘Super’ because the Sun had Rings Before Planets

An illustration of three distinct, planetesimal-forming rings that could have produced the planets and other features of the solar system, according to a computational model from Rice University. The vaporization of solid silicates, water and carbon monoxide at “sublimation lines” (top) caused “pressure bumps” in the sun’s protoplanetary disk, trapping dust in three distinct rings. As the sun cooled, pressure bumps migrated sunward allowing trapped dust to accumulate into asteroid-sized planetesimals. The chemical composition of objects from the inner ring (NC) differs from the composition of middle- and outer-ring objects (CC)...
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Cosmic History can explain the Properties of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

This is the sharpest image ever taken by ALMA — sharper than is routinely achieved in visible light with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. It shows the protoplanetary disc surrounding the young star HL Tauri. These new ALMA observations reveal substructures within the disc that have never been seen before and even show the possible positions of planets forming in the dark patches within the system. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Astronomers have managed to link the properties of the inner planets of our solar system with our cosmic history: with the emergence of ring structures in the swirling disk of gas and dust in which these planets were formed...

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Simulations provide Clue to Missing Planets Mystery

Simulations provide clue to missing planets mystery
A protoplanetary disk as observed by ALMA (left), and a protoplanetary disk during planetary migration, as obtained from the ATERUI II simulation (right). The dashed line in the simulation represents the orbit of a planet, and the gray area indicates a region not covered by the computational domain of the simulation. Credit: Kazuhiro Kanagawa, ALMA(ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Forming planets are one possible explanation for the rings and gaps observed in disks of gas and dust around young stars. But this theory has trouble explaining why it is rare to find planets associated with rings. New supercomputer simulations show that after creating a ring, a planet can move away and leave the ring behind...

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