psychopathy tagged posts

Here’s what the brain of an extremely selfish person looks like

Here's what the brain of an extremely selfish person looks like

Here’s what the brain of an extremely selfish person looks like

They deceive people for their own benefit, they see others as weak and untrustworthy, and they ignore moral codes.

Psychologists have dubbed these people Machiavellians after the Italian political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, whose book “The Prince” includes many examples of this sort of unsavory character. Now, a recent study published in the journal Brain and Cognition reveals what goes on in the brains of these social deviants when they’re around others who are acting fairly.

Machiavellianism — which is part of the “dark triad” of personality traits, along with narcissm and psychopathy — falls on a spectrum, from low Machs (aka normal people) to high Machs (aka jerks).

Tamas Bereczkei and his colleagues at the U...

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