PTEN gene tagged posts

Scientists Engineer Gene Pathway to grow Brain Organoids with Surface Folding

360 degree imaging of human brain organoids using lightsheet microscope, showing smooth appearance of normal organoid (left) and surface folding in PTEN mutant organoid (right) -- as well as the mutant organoid's large size. Credit: Yun Li and Julien Muffat

360 degree imaging of human brain organoids using lightsheet microscope, showing smooth appearance of normal organoid (left) and surface folding in PTEN mutant organoid (right) — as well as the mutant organoid’s large size. Credit: Yun Li and Julien Muffat

Implications also for understanding Zika virus-caused microencephaly. Whitehead Institute provide insight into a specific gene pathway that appears to regulate the growth, structure, and organization of the human cortex. They also demonstrate that 3D human cerebral organoids – miniature, lab-grown versions of specific brain structures – can be effective in modeling the molecular, cellular, and anatomical processes of human brain development. And they suggest a new path for identifying the cells affected by Zika virus.

“We found that incr...

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