pyrolysis tagged posts

From Allergens to Anodes: Pollen derived Battery Electrodes

This scanning electron microscope image shows bee pollen studied for potential use as electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Color was added to the original black-and-white image. Credit: Purdue University image/ Jialiang Tang

This scanning electron microscope image shows bee pollen studied for potential use as electrodes for lithium-ion batteries. Color was added to the original black-and-white image. Credit: Purdue University image/ Jialiang Tang

Pollen could represent a boon for battery makers: Recent research has suggested their potential use as anodes in Li-ion batteries. “Our findings have demonstrated that renewable pollens could produce carbon architectures for anode applications in energy storage devices,” said A/Prof Vilas Pol. The anodes in most of today’s lithium-ion batteries are made of graphite. Lithium ions are contained in electrolyte, and these ions are stored in the anode during recharging.

The researchers tested bee pollen- and cattail pollen-derived carbons as anodes...

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Smallest Lattice Structure Worldwide

The smallest lattice in the world is visible under the microscope only. Struts and braces are 0.2 µm in diameter. Total size of the lattice is about 10 µm. Credit: J. Bauer / KIT

The smallest lattice in the world is visible under the microscope only. Struts and braces are 0.2 µm in diameter. Total size of the lattice is about 10 µm. Credit: J. Bauer / KIT

Scientists have now presented the smallest human-made lattice structure. 3D lattice with glassy carbon struts and braces of <200 nm in diameter has higher specific strength than most solids. They are smaller than comparable metamaterials by a factor of five. Apps may include electrodes, filters or optical components.

“Lightweight construction materials, such as bones and wood, are found everywhere in nature,” said Dr.-Ing. Jens Bauer of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)...

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