Q-ID device tagged posts

Invention of Forge-Proof ID to Revolutionize Security

Schematic, working principle and quantum analogue of a physically unclonable function (PUF).

Schematic, working principle and quantum analogue of a physically unclonable function (PUF).

A way to authenticate or identify any object by generating an unbreakable ID based on atoms has been discovered. The technology, which is being patented at Lancaster University and commercialised through the spin-out company Quantum Base, uses next-generation nanomaterials to enable the unique identification of any product with guaranteed security. It uses atomic-scale imperfections that are impossible to clone as they comprise the unmanipulable building blocks of matter.

Jonathan Roberts, PhD said: “The invention involves the creation of devices with unique identities on a nano-scale employing state-of-art quantum technology...

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