quantized magneto-electric effect tagged posts

Measured for the 1st time: Direction of Light Waves hanged by Quantum Effect

In certain materials, light waves can change their direction of polarization. Credit: TU Wien

In certain materials, light waves can change their direction of polarization. Credit: TU Wien

The ‘quantized magneto-electric effect’ has been demonstrated for the first time in topological insulators at TU Wien, which is set to open up new and highly accurate methods of measurement. A light wave sent through empty space always oscillates in the same direction. However, certain materials can be used to rotate the direction in which the light is oscillating in a magnetic field, ie ‘magneto-optical’ effect. Rather than switching the direction of the light wave continually,’topological insulators’ do so in quantum steps in clearly defined portions. The extent of these quantum steps depends solely on fundamental physical parameters, such as the fine-structure constant...

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