quantum communication tagged posts

Breakthrough in Optical Information Transmission

© MPI for the Science of Light): Xinglin Zeng and Birgit Stiller in their lab at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light.

Sound waves that propagate only in one direction break the light transmission reciprocity. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light have managed for the first time to create a unidirectional device that significantly increases the quality of a special class of transmitted signals in optical communications: optical vortices. By transmitting selective optical vortex modes exclusively unidirectionally, the developed device largely reduces detrimental backscattering to a minimum...

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Ytterbium: The Quantum Memory of Tomorrow

The photo shows a rare-earth crystal that serves as quantum memory. The crystal is cooled to 3 degrees above absolute zero temperature. Credit: © UNIGE

The photo shows a rare-earth crystal that serves as quantum memory. The crystal is cooled to 3 degrees above absolute zero temperature.
Credit: © UNIGE

Quantum communication and cryptography are the future of high-security communication. But many challenges lie ahead before a worldwide quantum network can be set up, including propagating the quantum signal over long distances. One of the major challenges is to create memories with the capacity to store quantum information carried by light. Researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, in partnership with CNRS, France, have discovered a new material in which an element, ytterbium, can store and protect the fragile quantum information even while operating at high frequencies...

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Forging a Quantum Leap in Quantum Communication

In quantum communication, the participating parties can detect eavesdropping by resorting to the fundamental principle of quantum mechanics -- a measurement affects the measured quantity. Thus, an eavesdropper can be detected by identifying traces his measurements of the communication channel leave behind. The major drawback of quantum communication is the slow speed of data transfer, limited by the speed at which the parties can perform quantum measurements. Researchers at Bar-Ilan University have devised a method that overcomes this, and enables an increase in the rate of data transfer by more than 5 orders of magnitude! This image illustrates their technique, in which they replaced electrical nonlinearity with a direct optical nonlinearity, transforming the quantum information into a classical optical signal. Credit: Bar-Ilan University

In quantum communication, the participating parties can detect eavesdropping by resorting to the fundamental principle of quantum mechanics — a measurement affects the measured quantity. Thus, an eavesdropper can be detected by identifying traces his measurements of the communication channel leave behind. The major drawback of quantum communication is the slow speed of data transfer, limited by the speed at which the parties can perform quantum measurements...

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Viability of Quantum Satellite Communications

Flight paths for the 7km arc and line, followed from left to right. The star indicates the location of the ground station at Smith Falls{Montague Airport. The inner portions represent where the quantum link was active. Photo produced using GPSVisualizer.com, map data c 2016 Google, imagery c 2016 Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, Landsat, New York GIS, USDA Farm Service Agency.

Flight paths for the 7km arc and line, followed from left to right. The star indicates the location of the ground station at Smith Falls{Montague Airport. The inner portions represent where the quantum link was active. Photo produced using GPSVisualizer.com, map data c 2016 Google, imagery c 2016 Cnes/Spot Image, DigitalGlobe, Landsat, New York GIS, USDA Farm Service Agency.

Researchers in Canada have taken a significant step towards enabling secure quantum communication via moving satellites, as announced by the Canadian Government in April 2017. Their study demonstrates the first quantum key distribution transmissions from a ground transmitter to a quantum payload on a moving aircraft...

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