quantum computing technologies tagged posts

Study achieves the Coherent Manipulation of Electron Spins in Silicon

Study achieves the coherent manipulation of electron spins in silicon
Electrons in silicon experience a coupling between their spin (up and down arrows) and valley states (blue and red orbitals). In the presence of a DC voltage (blue glow) an electron can undergo coherent spin-valley oscillation. Image credit: Mike Osadciw.

In recent years, many physicists and computer scientists have been working on the development of quantum computing technologies. These technologies are based on qubits, the basic units of quantum information. In contrast with classical bits, which have a value of 0 or 1, qubits can exist in superposition states, so they can have a value of 0 and 1 simultaneously. Qubits can be made of different physical systems, including electrons, nuclear spins (i.e., the spin state of a nucleus), photons, and superconducting circuits.

Electron s...

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