quantum entanglement tagged posts

Light from Ancient Quasars helps confirm Quantum Entanglement

This artist’s impression of one of the most distant, oldest, brightest quasars ever seen is hidden behind dust. The quasar dates back to less than one billion years after the big bang.
Credit: NASA/ESA/G.Bacon, STScI

Results are among the strongest evidence yet for ‘spooky action at a distance’. New research boosts the case for quantum entanglement. Scientists have used distant quasars, one of which emitted its light 7.8 billion years ago and the other 12.2 billion years ago, to determine the measurements to be made on pairs of entangled photons. They found correlations among more than 30,000 pairs of photons – far exceeding the limit for a classically based mechanism.

Take, for instance, two particles sitting on opposite edges of the universe...

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A Quantum Entanglement between two physically Separated Ultra-cold Atomic Clouds

Illustration of the quantum entanglement achieved between the two clouds of atoms starting from a single Bose-Einstein condensate. Credit: Iagoba Apellaniz. UPV/EHU

Illustration of the quantum entanglement achieved between the two clouds of atoms starting from a single Bose-Einstein condensate. Credit: Iagoba Apellaniz. UPV/EHU

Scientists have achieved, in an experiment, quantum entanglement between 2 Bose-Einstein condensates, spatially separated from each other. Quantum entanglement was discovered by Schrödinger and later studied by Einstein and other scientists in the last century. The groups of entangled particles lose their individuality and behave as a single entity. Any change in one of the particles leads to an immediate response in the other, even if they are spatially separated...

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Quantum physicists achieve Entanglement record

Conceptual picture of the new exotic quantum states that have been generated in Innsbruck. The generation of quantum entanglement in a string of 20 single atoms is shown. Entanglement between neighboring atom pairs (blue), atom triplets (pink), atom quadruplets (red) and quintuplets (yellow) was observed, before the system became too complex to characterize with existing techniques. Credit: IQOQI Innsbruck/Harald Ritsch

Conceptual picture of the new exotic quantum states that have been generated in Innsbruck. The generation of quantum entanglement in a string of 20 single atoms is shown. Entanglement between neighboring atom pairs (blue), atom triplets (pink), atom quadruplets (red) and quintuplets (yellow) was observed, before the system became too complex to characterize with existing techniques. Credit: IQOQI Innsbruck/Harald Ritsch

Largest entangled quantum register of individually controllable systems to date. A research team is now presenting the largest entangled quantum register of individually controllable systems to date, consisting of a total of 20 quantum bits. The physicists are pushing experimental and theoretical methods to the limits of what is currently possible.

Some of the new quantum t...

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‘Spooky’ Sightings in Crystal point to Extremely Rare Quantum Spin Liquid

Ytterbium crystal produces lots of apparent 'spooky' actions

The tiny YbMgGaO4 crystal, here perched on a stand for testing, appears to be the next extremely rare material to produce an equally as rare observable quantum spin liquid. Credit: Georgia Tech / Martin Mourigal

Inside a new exotic crystal, physicist Martin Mourigal has observed strong indications of “spooky” action, and lots of it. The results of his experiments, if corroborated over time, would mean that the type of crystal is a rare new material that can produce an observable quantum spin liquid. Currently, only a small handful of materials are believed to possibly have these properties. This new crystal was synthesized for the first time only a year ago.

A “liquid” found inside a solid object may sound confusing to many people...

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