quantum entanglement tagged posts

‘Ghost Imaging’ with Atoms demonstrated

Ghost imaging ANU. Credit: ANU

Ghost imaging ANU. Credit: ANU

ANU physicists have used ‘ghost imaging’ technique to create an image of an object from atoms that never interact with it. This is the first time that ghost imaging has been achieved using atoms, although it has previously been demonstrated with light, leading to applications being developed for imaging and remote sensing through turbulent environments.The atom-based result may lead to a new method for quality control of nanoscale manufacturing, including atomic scale 3D printing.

A/Professor Andrew Truscott said the experiment relied on correlated pairs of atoms. The pairs were separated by ~6cm and used to generate an image of the ANU logo. “One atom in each pair was directed towards a mask with the letters ‘ANU’ cut-out…...

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Record-breaking Logic Gate ‘another important Milestone’ on road to Quantum Computers

Record-breaking logic gate 'another important milestone' on road to quantum computers

43Ca+ qubit states and Raman transitions used for sideband cooling, single-qubit and two-qubit gates. Credit: arxiv.org/abs/1512.04600

The team achieved the logic gate, which places 2 atoms in a state of quantum entanglement and is the fundamental building block of quantum computing, with a precision (or fidelity) substantially greater than the previous world record. Quantum entanglement—a phenomenon described by Einstein as ‘spooky’ but which is at the heart of quantum technologies—occurs when 2 particles stay connected, such that an action on one affects the other, even when they are separated by great distances

The precision of the gate is a measure of how well quantum entanglement works: in our case, 99...

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Some types of Quantum Entanglement Cannot be both Monogamous and Faithful


Some measurements of entanglement violate monogamy, yet are geometrically faithful; others are monogamous but not faithful. Credit: Lancien et al. ©2016 American Physical Society

As expected, “monogamous” and “faithful” mean something a little different in the quantum world than they do in everyday language. When quantified by standard means, entanglement cannot be both monogamous and faithful at the same time. The results may be relevant when assessing the security of quantum cryptographic schemes, which rely on the monogamy of entanglement, and may also help to better understand the long-standing “firewall debate” related to the behavior of black holes.

Monogamy is considered to be a defining property of entanglement. Eg...

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Quantum Entanglement achieved at Room Temperature in Semiconductor Wafers

Strange quantum phenomenon achieved at room temperature in semiconductor wafers

Paul Klimov, a graduate student in the University of Chicago’s Institute for Molecular Engineering, adjusts the intensity of a laser beam during an experiment. Because the laser light lies within the infrared spectrum, it is invisible to the human eye. Credit: University of Chicago

Entanglement says that 2 particles can be so inextricably connected that the state of one particle can instantly influence the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. It will be useful for quantum computers, quantum communication networks, and high-precision quantum sensors.
Entanglement is also one of nature’s most elusive phenomena.

Producing entanglement between particles requires that they start out in a highly ordered state, which is disfavored by thermodynamics, the process that governs the i...

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