quantum sensing tagged posts

The Mother of all Motion Sensors

1) Sandia National Laboratories’ four-channel, silicon photonic single-sideband modulator chip, measuring 8 millimeters on each side and marked with a green Sandia thunderbird logo, sits inside packaging that incorporates optical fibers, wire bonds and ceramic pins. (Photo by Craig Fritz) Click on the thumbnail for a high-resolution image. 2)Sandia National Laboratories scientist Jongmin Lee, left, prepares a rubidium cold-atom cell for an atom interferometry experiment while scientists Ashok Kodigala, right, and Michael Gehl initialize the controls for a packaged single-sideband modulator chip. (Photo by Craig Fritz) Click on the thumbnail for a high-resolution image.

Quantum sensing milestone draws closer exquisitely accurate, GPS-free navigation...

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Deep Learning for Quantum Sensing

Scheme of the implemented deep learning protocol.
Scheme of the implemented deep learning protocol. A limited number of quantum probe states are fed into the sensor treated as a black box. A grid of measurement results is collected to train a neural network, which learns the posterior probability distribution associated with the single-measurement Bayesian update. Such distribution is used to define the reward of the RL agent that sets the control phases on the black-box device. Image credit: Cimini et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.5.1.016005

Quantum sensing represents one of the most promising applications of quantum technologies, with the aim of using quantum resources to improve measurement sensitivity...

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Breakthrough paves way for Photonic Sensing at the Ultimate Quantum Limit

Photonic chip with a microring resonator nanofabricated in a commercial foundry. Photo credit: Joel Tasker, QET Labs

A team of physicists has found a way to operate mass manufacturable photonic sensors at the quantum limit. This breakthrough paves the way for practical applications such as monitoring greenhouse gases and cancer detection.

Sensors are a constant feature of our everyday lives. Although they often go unperceived, sensors provide critical information essential to modern healthcare, security, and environmental monitoring. Modern cars alone contain over 100 sensors and this number will only increase.

Quantum sensing is poised to revolutionise today’s sensors, significantly boosting the performance they can achieve...

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Quantum Nanodiamonds may help Detect Disease earlier

nanodiamonds - artist's conception
An artist’s conception of nanodiamonds used for in vitro diagnostics. Credit: Ella Maru Studio / UCL. 

The quantum sensing abilities of nanodiamonds can be used to improve the sensitivity of paper-based diagnostic tests, potentially allowing for earlier detection of diseases such as HIV, according to a study led by UCL researchers in the i-sense McKendry group.

Paper-based lateral flow tests work the same way as a pregnancy test in that a strip of paper is soaked in a fluid sample and a change in colour — or fluorescent signal — indicates a positive result and the detection of virus proteins or DNA...

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