Quantum Teleportation tagged posts

Quantum Teleportation: The Express Lane for Quantum Data Traffic

An artist’s conception of an error-correction protocol: the photons affected by environment are fixed then used to carry the data teleported into them. Credit: Maria Slussarenko

Teleportation may be a concept usually reserved for science fiction, but researchers have demonstrated that it can be used to avoid loss in communication channels on the quantum level.

The team, including researchers from Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, has highlighted the issues around inherent loss that occurs across every form of communication channel (for example, internet or phone) and discovered a mechanism that can reduce that loss.

Professor Geoff Pryde, Dr Sergei Slussarenko, Dr Sacha Kocsis and Dr Morgan Weston, and researchers from The University of Queensland and the Nat...

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Experimental Quantum Teleportation of Propagating Microwaves

Quantum teleportation (QT) of propagating microwaves: concept and implementation. (A) General concept. (B) Our experimental implementation of QT with propagating quantum microwaves and analog feedforward (also see note S1 for the full technical schematics). Here, an unknown input coherent state is teleported from Alice to Bob by exploiting quantum entanglement characterized by the two-mode squeezing level ST ≲ S. The feedforward signal is generated by the measurement JPAs with the degenerate gain G, in combination with two hybrid rings and a local displacement operation on Bob’s side. The latter is implemented with a directional coupler with the coupling β = −15 dB...
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Beam me up Scotty! Quantum Teleportation of a particle of light 6km

A group of physicists led by Wolfgang Tittel have successfully demonstrated teleportation of a photon, an elementary particle of light, over a straight-line distance of six kilometres. Credit: Riley Brandt, University of Calgary

A group of physicists led by Wolfgang Tittel have successfully demonstrated teleportation of a photon, an elementary particle of light, over a straight-line distance of six kilometres. Credit: Riley Brandt, University of Calgary

Distance Record set for Teleporting a Photon over a Fiber Network. What if you could behave like the crew on the Starship Enterprise and teleport yourself home or anywhere else in the world? As a human, you’re probably not going to realize this any time soon; if you’re a photon, you might want to keep reading...

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Physicists Break Distance Record for Quantum Teleportation


Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have “teleported” or transferred quantum information carried in light particles over 100 kilometers of optical fiber, 4X farther than the previous record. The experiment confirmed that quantum communication is feasible over long distances in fiber. Other research groups have teleported quantum information over longer distances in free space, but the ability to do so over conventional fiber-optic lines offers more flexibility for network design.

Teleportation is useful in both quantum communications and quantum computing, which offer prospects for novel capabilities such as unbreakable encryption and advanced code-breaking, respectively.
The new record, described in Optica, involved the transfer of quantum inform...

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