Quantum Turbulence tagged posts

Breakthrough in the Understanding of Quantum Turbulence

The researchers used a unique rotating cryostat in their study

Researchers have shown how energy disappears in quantum turbulence, paving the way for a better understanding of turbulence in scales ranging from the microscopic to the planetary.

Dr Samuli Autti from Lancaster University is one of the authors of a new study of quantum wave turbulence together with researchers at Aalto University.

The team’s findings, published in Nature Physics, demonstrate a new understanding of how wave-like motion transfers energy from macroscopic to microscopic length scales, and their results confirm a theoretical prediction about how the energy is dissipated at small scales.

Dr Autti said: “This discovery will become a cornerstone of the physics of large quantum systems.”

Quantum turbulence at large scales – such as turbulence around moving aeropla...

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