quasi-particles tagged posts

DMI allows Magnon-Magnon Coupling in Hybrid Perovskites

figure 1
Magnetic properties of a hybrid perovskite antiferromagnet.

An international group of researchers has created a mixed magnon state in an organic hybrid perovskite material by utilizing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-Interaction (DMI). The resulting material has potential for processing and storing quantum computing information. The work also expands the number of potential materials that can be used to create hybrid magnonic systems.

In magnetic materials, quasi-particles called magnons direct the electron spin within the material. There are two types of magnons — optical and acoustic — which refer to the direction of their spin.

“Both optical and acoustic magnons propagate spin waves in antiferromagnets,” says Dali Sun, associate professor of physics and member of the Organic and Car...

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Mysterious Behavior of Quantum Liquid Elucidated, a World 1st

Left: In a single particle system, the behavior of the particle is well understood by solving the Schrödinger equation. Here the particle possesses wave nature characterized by the de Broglie wave length. Right: In a many particle system, on the other hand, the particles interact each other in a quantum mechanical way and behave as if they are "liquid". This is called quantum liquid whose properties are very different from that of the single particle case. Credit: Image courtesy of Osaka University

Left: In a single particle system, the behavior of the particle is well understood by solving the Schrödinger equation. Here the particle possesses wave nature characterized by the de Broglie wave length. Right: In a many particle system, on the other hand, the particles interact each other in a quantum mechanical way and behave as if they are “liquid”. This is called quantum liquid whose properties are very different from that of the single particle case. Credit: Image courtesy of Osaka University

Researchers, through precise measurement of current fluctuations in quantum liquids in an artificial atom created by nanotechnology, succeeded in elucidating theoretically-predicted behavior of quantum liquid in a non-equilibrium regime...

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